Jocelyn is an author, speaker, and entrepreneur. Jocelyn's background as a journalist, executive director of a nonprofit, and community leader allows her to connect with people from all walks of life.  She received her bachelor's degree from the University of Iowa in journalism.  After receiving her B.A., she earned her master's degree in social work and her master's degree in theological studies.  Jocelyn published her first book in 2019, called Breaking the Power of the Mask.

Jocelyn is an ordained minister and the President of Faith on the Journey, a Christian Counseling company specializing in grief and trauma.  She is a Master Facilitator with the Trauma Healing Institute.  While working with women in ministry over the years, she recognized a need for women who desire to start their own ministry to have a community that offered ongoing support, training, and accountability.  Jocelyn created Women in the Ministry in response to that need, committing her time and resources to help women answer the call to ministry and take the limits off of how God can use them to change the world.